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The Become. Blog
Our blog articles offer personal branding basics, business tips, wellness hacks and more.
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2 min read
Unveil Your Brand Story: The Numerology Behind Your Personal Brand
Numerology offers a fascinating approach to self-discovery, revealing the hidden numbers that can shape your personal brand narrative.
2 min read
The Big 5 Test: Unveiling Your Personality for Personal Branding
Ever wondered what makes you tick? Why you're drawn to certain careers or social situations? The answer might lie in your Big 5 test results
2 min read
How do you Become who you really are?
So, how do you Become(.) who you really are?
The journey of becoming who you truly are is a lifelong quest of self-discovery.
3 min read
Human Design: Discovering Your Unique Energetic Blueprint for Personal Branding
Human Design is a complex system that blends ancient wisdom with modern science, offering a unique perspective on understanding yourself
2 min read
The Myers Briggs Breakdown: Discover Your Personality Type for Powerful Branding
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a popular personality inventory that helps individuals identify preferences in four key areas.
2 min read
What are the 5 C's of Creating your Personal Brand?
The 5 C's of creating your personal brand are...
3 min read
Decoding You: How the DISC Assessment Shapes Your Personal Brand Narrative
The DISC assessment is a behavioral tool that helps individuals understand their personality styles and how to interact with their audience.
3 min read
Jung's 12 Universal Archetypes for Personal Branding
Carl Jung, a famous psychiatrist, identified 12 universal archetypes that represent fundamental human needs and we use these for branding.
4 min read
What is the Enneagram Assessment and Their Types: Highlighting Type 4 The Individualist
The Enneagram is a personality framework that focuses on core motivations, fears and defense mechanisms. there are 9 types to align with.
4 min read
What Key Elements of the Astrological Birth Chart Relate to Professionalism?
Some key elements from astrology offer particularly insightful glimpses into your potential career path and presence.
2 min read
Unmasking Your Brand: 5 Personality Tests to Unlock Your Authentic Marketing Mojo
In the age of personal branding, understanding yourself is the ultimate marketing tool. No more cookie-cutter personas, folks!
3 min read
Unveiling Your Learning Style: A Guide to the Four Learning Types (and more)
Have you ever wondered why some students excel at lectures while others thrive with hands-on activities? Now, we can see how that carries...
2 min read
Using the "Love Languages" to connect with your Target Audience for your Personal Brand
In branding, the "love languages" borrow inspiration from Gary Chapman's five languages for expressing love in romantic relationships....
3 min read
Unleash Your Inner Powerhouse: Manifest Personal Branding Success with Vision Boards
In the ever-evolving world of personal branding, standing out from the crowd can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. But fear...
2 min read
What are Personas for Business?
In business, personas are like detailed portraits of your ideal customers. They're not just names and demographics; they're living,...
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